I particularly enjoyed the science of how our bodies work. Several of my blog entries on Fit Corner are based on the knowledge I gained from Younger Next Year
They recommend 45 minutes a day of HARD exercise. Something that makes you sweat, six days a week. Not five days, four days, or less. Do both aerobic and strength training. In order to push back that tidal wave and produce the wonderful C-10 you must workout. You have to sweat. When you workout hard a flood of C-6 is produced. This is the catalyst that lets your body know to produce C-10. It’ll repair what you break down. It will make you stronger and healthier, younger next year.
The book also goes into several other aspects about your body and how it works. Saturated and unsaturated fats is fascinating (at least I found it to be). And, an important point in the book, is what you put in your mouth, what you eat for nutrition. Read up on what they think about French Fries!
The last few chapters of the book are about finding commitments in life and how to approach retirement. It’s a good read and has useful information but younger audiences may find themselves skimming through this section.
The original version of Younger Next Year